Saturday, April 4, 2009

M.Y. San Grahams Sans Rival

M.Y. San Grahams Sans Rival


Butter cream filling:

1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup Star margarine
1 1/4 cups powdered or confectionery sugar
1 1/4 teaspoons vanilla extract

Base and Nuts:

9 pieces M.Y. San Grahams Honey
1/4 cup cashew nuts, chopped

1. DO FILLING: Whip butter and margarine until smooth. Add in powdered sugar and vanilla extract. Beat until creamy and well blended. Stir in chopped cashew nuts.
2. ASSEMBLE: Lay a piece of plastic wrap (about 12 x 11 inches) on the working area. Spread the chopped cashew nuts evenly on top of plastic wrap*. Spread thick layer of butter cream on top of 3 whole MY San Grahams Chocolate. Arrange and lay the crackers, butter cream facing down, side by side over the nuts. Repeat 2 times to make 3 layers.
3. COVER the top and sides with a thick layer of butter cream. Leave some of the butter cream for decoration. Cover with plastic wrap to hold.
4. CHILL for 30 minutes. Turn loaf over and unwrap. Serve**.

Feeling Expert tip:

Use the MY San Grahams as measurement guide. ¼ cup of chopped nuts should cover length of 3 whole MY San Grahams laid side by side.
Use a piping bag to decorate edges of Sansrival with remaining butter cream. You may add about ¼ cup finely chopped cashews on the side.

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